I am a regular listener to the early morning "Washington Journal" on C-SPAN (Daily 7:00AM - 10:00AM EST.) Today, the announcement of the good news that al-Zarqawi has been killed by a US air strike in Iraq has prompted a dismaying response from the public. Most disturbing has been the vitriol expressed against Democrats, liberals and progressives by the callers on the Republican call-in line.
It is no secret that I was against going to war in Iraq before the vote was taken in the Congress to give President Bush the power to do so. I believe that it has been definitively shown that the Bush Administration mislead the nation into this war. In addition I have been a severe critic of how the war has been prosecuted. The incompetence of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld is staggering.
However, the overturn of Saddam is would be a plus if Iraq can stabilize, the actuality of having a free and democratic state in the mid-east, if it could be achieved, might do much for future world peace, and certrainly the elimination of al-Zarqawi is a positive event.
Why all the expressed hatred for the liberals? The discussion of opposing views is supposed to be one of the backbones of our democracy. Free speech is embedded in our Bill of Rights, and civil discourse should be the rule of the day. I believe that this nation is in peril from the expressed hatred of others as was Nazi Germany from Hitler's hate campaign against the Jews, Gypsies, and other non Aryans.
It is no secret that I was against going to war in Iraq before the vote was taken in the Congress to give President Bush the power to do so. I believe that it has been definitively shown that the Bush Administration mislead the nation into this war. In addition I have been a severe critic of how the war has been prosecuted. The incompetence of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld is staggering.
However, the overturn of Saddam is would be a plus if Iraq can stabilize, the actuality of having a free and democratic state in the mid-east, if it could be achieved, might do much for future world peace, and certrainly the elimination of al-Zarqawi is a positive event.
Why all the expressed hatred for the liberals? The discussion of opposing views is supposed to be one of the backbones of our democracy. Free speech is embedded in our Bill of Rights, and civil discourse should be the rule of the day. I believe that this nation is in peril from the expressed hatred of others as was Nazi Germany from Hitler's hate campaign against the Jews, Gypsies, and other non Aryans.