Michael Yanofsky

Michael's Image
This blog was urged upon me by some of my friends with whom I have been communicating about the 2004 presidential election. They suggested that rather than just passing along my thoughts on the politics of the day via email, I should record them in a blog. And so here it is! Anyone wishing to comment on any of my blog messages may do so by clicking on the word "Comments" below the message. Comments may be contrary to or to concur with what I say, or to comment on someone else's comment.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lee Iacocca: "Where Have All the Leaders Gone?"

Yesterday I heard Lee Iacocca, former Chairman of Chrysler Corporation and before that President of Ford Motor Company, being interviewed on TV promoting his just released  book, Where Have All the Leaders Gone?

A couple of days ago my friend Matt sent me a link to an excerpt from that book. I recommend that you read it at:

Iacocca was an active supporter of George W. Bush during his 2000 presidential campaign. During the interview on TV yesterday he said that after 9/11 he knew that Bush was "in over his head."

Today 9 US Servicemen were killed in Iraq. We are losing men at a rate better than 3 per day and rising. Keith Olbermann on his April 17 program "Countdown" on MSNBC made the point that we have lost 32 service men and women about the same age as those who died the day before at Virginia Tech. and that it was hardly reported in the press. If you didn't hear his comment, you can get it at:

Also today, the war of words between President Bush and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D, NV) continued. Sen. Harry Reid responding to President Bush's report to the nation on Iraq last Friday said:

“The President on Friday used the word ‘progress’ no fewer than ten times when he gave his Iraq update.

“He said that while there were still horrific attacks in Baghdad ­and I quote ­’The direction of the fight is beginning to shift.’ In describing his escalation of American troops ­ what he calls a surge ­ he said, ‘so far the operation is meeting expectations.’

“The White House transcript says the President made those remarks in the State of Michigan. I believe he made them in the state of denial.”

In the meantime, our dead are returned to us under cover - no press allowed to photograph the flag covered coffins.

Quoting Iacocca:
"Am I the only guy in this country who's fed up with what's happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder. We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can't even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, 'Stay the course.'"
My Blog: http://myweb-blog.blogspot.com

        First Amendment to the Constitution
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the Government for a redress of grievances."

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Senate Hearing: Alberto Gonzales

With his concise, penetrating, and incisive questioning to elicit the truth, Senator Orin Hatch distinguished himself as the only member of the Senate Justice Committee to support Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. He did so today while projecting his own mental state onto those who were non supportive; namely, that they had come to the hearings, not to find out the truth, but to twist the facts to fit their preconceived opinion.

Maybe we have seen the end of Gonzales.

Going, Going, Gonzo.

How much longer will it be before the very good people of Utah see just who they are sending to Washington to represent them? My loathing of Senator Hatch dates back to the days of the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) when he and the male dominated Mormon Church led the opposition to it. (See: From Housewife to Heretic,  Johnson, Sonia. Doubleday, 1981 - available from Amazon.com)
My Blog: http://myweb-blog.blogspot.com

Ye shall know the truth and
the truth shall set you free.
The Bible
John 8:32