Michael Yanofsky

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This blog was urged upon me by some of my friends with whom I have been communicating about the 2004 presidential election. They suggested that rather than just passing along my thoughts on the politics of the day via email, I should record them in a blog. And so here it is! Anyone wishing to comment on any of my blog messages may do so by clicking on the word "Comments" below the message. Comments may be contrary to or to concur with what I say, or to comment on someone else's comment.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Where Do You Fit on the Political Spectrum?

A fairly well considered 10 question political quiz that will take you less than 5 minutes to complete. It will reveal your political leanings in 4 dimensions, not just the standard 2 (left/right).

Give it a try and see what you may learn or confirm about yourself. And if you feel inclined, go to my blog and post a comment to this message.

World's Smallest Political Quiz
--  Michael My Blog: http://myweb-blog.blogspot.com  "Must a government, of necessity, be too strong for the liberties  of its own people, or too weak to maintain its own existence?" Abraham Lincoln  "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." Benjamin Franklin 


Blogger Editor said...

Michael, I took the Quiz and found out that I am in the smallest group. Conservative Right leaning toward Libertarian. The Questions posed left too much room for speculation. For example: Should there be a draft? I said yes. But no Draft for oil wars or personal/family vendettas.(Bush1 & Bush2) A Draft for national defense I would agree with. The Drug Question...I believe in the freedom of choice unless your choice hurts others. (get High and Drive and injure others...not good.)
I have never considered myself as a specific party, I just want the best for the majority!
p.s. Thanks for commenting on my Blog

1:06 PM  

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